Description: The 90 pages of the School District No.3 annual meeting minutes are from the years 1814-1907. During these meetings officers were selected according to “the law” and necessary motions were passed in order to facilitate the functioning of the schools. They address issues of negligence, specific uses of public money received, and the raising of taxes, initially to pay for wood and later to defray the cost of other maintenance. Sporadically includes “true copies” of reports sent to the Commissioner of Common Schools. Each entry bears the signature of the clerk taking the minutes and the date. The last 15+ pages, including some loose inserts, are miscellaneous notes, accounts, and lists of formal and informal ballots.
The minutes are written in a tall folio (13″ x 8”) hard-bound book. Most of the entries are written in pen, though there are a few pages in pencil. Item #AM00302
Condition: The boards are worn and the binding has been resewn… still several pages are loose. Scattered foxing throughout the text. Generally in good condition and quite legible.