Description: In this brief note dated January 19, 1941, the former United States Supreme Court Justice writes to Rehabia Lewin-Epstein: “Re yours of 17th. I have examined the enclosures with much interest. Cordially. Louis D. Brandeis”.
Penned on a 6 7/8″ x 6″ sheet of Louis Brandeis’ personal imprinted stationery. Includes original transmittal envelope addressed in Brandeis’ hand and imprinted with Brandeis’ Washington D. C. address. Item #A01625
Louis Dembitz Brandeis (1856-1941) was associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court from 1916 to 1939. Throughout this latter part of his life he was extremely involved with the American Zionist movement. The recipient was a well-known American Zionist and a representative of the American Economic Committee for Palestine in Tel Aviv.
Condition: Mailing fold line, otherwise very good condition with a large, bold signature.