
SKU: P00243 Category:


Description: A gaggle of men and their trusty canine companion pose for the camera in front of H. A. Rood, Grocer. A painted sign on the side of the building advertises H. A. Rood as sellers of “Hardware, Crockery, Foreign [&] Domestic Fruits, Yankee Notions, Tobacco & Cigars.”

An 1899 Troy, New York directory lists a Mrs. Herman A. Rood and indicates her grocery business was at the corner of Hoosick and 16th St. A google search shows that the building is still standing and is now operating as a Domino’s Pizza.

This original 19th c. photo measures overall: 4 3/8″ x 8″. Verso has the backmark of C. M. Fowler & Co. of Albany, NY. Item #P00243

Condition: Mount and photograph slightly trimmed at top and bottom, otherwise good condition.