Description: A stern-faced Whewell looks out from this vignetted portrait carte-de-visite photograph.
Photographer’s imprint,”Mayland, Cambridge”, is printed on the mount beneath the photo, the backmark reads “Under the Patronage of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales”, and there is a pencil note that reads “Sir Whewell.” Item #P00240
William Whewell (1794-1866) was one of the most influential scientists of the 19th c… a scientist, Anglican priest, philosopher, historian of science and theologian. He was known for his wordsmithing–invented the word scientist–and aided scientists with neologisms to describe their discoveries. He influenced the works of John Herschel, Charles Lyell, Charles Darwin, and Michael Faraday among others. He coined the terms anode, cathode and ion for Faraday. He taught Moral Philosophy at Trinity College, was named a Master of the College in 1841, and then became its Vice-Chancellor in 1842 and 1855.
Condition: Small speck in blank right area of photo, mounting remnants on verso, otherwise very good condition.