
SKU: A01897 Categories: ,


Description: This fascinating group of papers documents a 1947 General Electric advertising campaign involving Helen Keller. Apparently, GE gave Keller a gift of “a new radio with a special loud speaker” after she lost her home in a fire.

Included with this group is a typed copy of her letter thanking them, two original 8″ x 10″ photographs of Keller posed with her gift, her hand on the exposed speaker, presumably to feel the vibrations. Also included is a copy letter, with manuscript additions stating: “the set in the attached photos was made especially for Helen Keller — for publicity purposes…. we intend to use in our publicity… LOOK Magazine is definitely interested…”

Item #A01897

Condition: Four items… all have file holes at the upper edge, and some perimeter wrinkling. Generally good condition.