
SKU: A01858 Category:


Description: In this autograph letter signed, Bristow asks James Samuelson to kindly return a manuscript if he chooses not to include it in the forthcoming issue of the Popular Science Review.

“Dear Sir,

I hope you received a letter from me this morning saying that you were welcome to the enclosed article for your Review.

If you do not print it in the forthcoming No. I shall feel obliged by your returning the ms. as early as possible.

Believe me, Dear sir/Truly yours/H.W. Bristow”

Written on two pages of a folded 4 ½” x 7” sheet of paper and dated 12 March 1863 from the Museum of Practical Geology. Item #A01858

Henry William Bristow (1817-1889) was an English geologist and naturalist. He conducted meticulous surveys of various regions in England/Wales and rose to the rank of director of the Geological Survey in 1872.

James Samuleson (1829-1918) was a Liverpool industrialist and the founder and editor of the Popular Science Review and the Quarterly of Journal of Sciences.

Condition: Mailing fold lines, otherwise in very good condition.