
SKU: A01621 Category:


Description: American operatic soprano Clara Louise Kellogg Strakosch (1842-1916) neatly penned and signed this three-page letter to a Miss Hilliard in which she discusses a possible performance in Brooklyn. The letter reads: “My dear Miss Hilliard, We are to give, I believe, a few nights of opera in Brooklyn later on – the date I cannot give you – I presume the “Flying Dutchman” will be in the repertoire for that occasion – to make sure however, I would suggest that you profit by the matinee, there may be no theatre to play in by the time we are ready to come. We had made arrangements with the theatre that was burned – for a week some time during February. If you really want to see me, come round to the dressing room between the 2nd & 3rd act Saturday. With regards to all my good Brooklyn friends. Believe me. Very sincerely yours, Clara Louise Kellogg S”.

Clara Louise Kellogg Strakosch was the daughter of American inventor and patent expert George Kellogg (1812-1901). She trained at the Academy of Music in New York City and first sang there in 1861. She appeared as the prima donna in Italian opera in London between 1867 and 1868 and from then on, until her retirement in 1887, Kellogg enjoyed fame as a public figure.

Written on a folded sheet of “CLK” imprinted stationery that measures: 6″ x 7 3/4″. Item #A01621

Condition: Mounting remnants on verso, lightly toned on first page, otherwise very good condition with a large, bold signature.