
SKU: A01739 Category:


Description: On 8 Oct 1863, John Tyndall sends his regrets and encouragement to (most likely the medical publisher) John Churchill following a conversation they have had regarding the founding of a new scientific journal; he states his busyness as the reason for non-participation.

“Dear Sir,

On reviewing the work which I have at present in hand I find it to be of such a magnitude as to deter me from committing myself to anything further at present. To my regret therefore I find myself unable to take part in your proposed scientific journal.

Still I am persuaded that such a journal of wisely conducted [sic] would be both commercially successful, & would do an immense amount of good. The subject, as I told you yesterday, has more or less occupied the thoughts of some of my friends and myself for the last two or three years.

Yours very truly

John Tyndall”

This is an autograph letter signed on three pages of ivory laid paper. Approx. 3½” x 5 ½.”  Item #A01739

John Tyndall (1820-1893) was a man of science…physicist, geologist and atmospheric scientist. He is best known for his study of diamagnetism, discoveries in the field of infrared radiation, and the radiative properties of gasses now known as greenhouse effect. His discoveries also led him to speculate on climate change. As a liberal thinker, he also argued for the separation of science and religion. He taught physics at the The Royal Institution and was a prolific writer; he wrote numerous articles on the subjects of science, religion, literature and travel.

John Churchill (1801-1875) was an English medical publisher. He published several medical periodicals and the notable works of scientist such as Erasmus Wilson‘s Anatomist’s Vade,  Golding Bird‘s Manual of Natural Philosophy and Diagnosis of Urinary Deposits, and George Fownes‘s Manual of Chemistry.

Condition: In excellent condition.