
SKU: A01632 Category:


Description: In 1857 the Central Park Commission selected the landscape design of Frederick Law Olmstead and Calvert Vaux for the creation of the country’s first landscaped public park. Unfortunately, a relatively new (completed in 1849) National Guard Armory sat in the midst of the plot of land designated for the park. This letter signed by Adjutant General Frederick Townsend informs the Commissioners of the Land Office that they have the “go-ahead” to purchase “the State Arsenal and the grounds thereto attached.”

Written on a sheet of 9 3/4″ x 7 3/4″ stationery imprinted: “State of New York Head Quarters Adjutant-General’s Office”. Docketed on verso of page 4: “Copy of Notice to Commissioner of Land Office”. The letter is in a clerk’s hand, but signed by Townsend with rank. Item #A01632

Condition: Mailing fold lines with 1″ separation (not affecting text), reinforced with archival tissue/tape on verso, light soil, generally very good condition.