Showing 1–12 of 87 results
WWI Era Biplane Photograph, Taliaferro Field, Texas on Fuselage
$45.00 -
Gloversville, NY[?] Mohawk Canoe Club Boudoir Cabinet Photograph
$65.00 -
Two c. 1930 Photographs of Whitehall, NY Railroad Station
$45.00 -
Original 1930s San Antonio, Texas Handy Andy Interior Photograph
$45.00 -
Early 20th c. Fonda Johnstown Gloversville Railway Trolley Photograph
$45.00 -
Late 19th c. Alaskan Totem Pole Photograph by John E. Worden, Wrangell, AK
$95.00 -
1863 Biologist Louis Agassiz Signed CDV Photograph
$475.00 -
Four 1932 Photographs of Richmond [VA] Auto Parts Co. Traveling Machine Shop
$150.00 -
Larsen’s Bread Truck [Red Hook?] – 1939 NY World’s Fair License Plate
$45.00 -
[Civil War] Full Plate Tintype Children in Zouave Uniforms
$1,750.00 -
[Catskill Mountains] Overlook Mountain House Original Cabinet Photograph
$125.00 -
1950 Archive of Pulp and Horror Writer Hugh B. Cave Photographs of Haiti